Gemini Gemini Yearly Health 2023 Horoscope



For Gemini people, this year should be better than the previous year. The transit of Saturn from the eighth house to the ninth house from January 17 will reduce the inauspicious results, due to which better results should be obtained in terms of health, career, family and financial condition. The transit of Jupiter will take place in the eleventh house from April 22, 2023, which is favorable, as a result of which there will be progress in career, increase in income and success in pending works. Till November, the transit of Rahu-Ketu will be in the eleventh and fifth house respectively, which can generally be called favourable. In this way, due to the better position of the planets, this year should be better for you in terms of health, wealth, career and family happiness.

When the time is favourable, favorability is seen in almost all areas of life. You are also not untouched by this. You are likely to get good results in terms of health due to transitory compatibility of major planets. The year 2023 should be better than the last two years. Health will generally remain good this year. Positive thinking will increase and negativity will go away. The passion to work will increase. Your hard work and enthusiasm will bring you success in every walk of life. It is possible that the transit of Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars may cause short term or seasonal health problems, but there is no possibility of any major problem. Even in pre-existing chronic diseases, relief will be experienced. This year you will be health conscious. Diet and exercise can be a part of your daily routine. It is often seen that Gemini people are not very serious about their health and that is why they are not able to do morning walk and exercise regularly, but this year it can be a part of your daily routine. You can practice them regularly.
1. Wear Ratna Shakti locket of Gemini.
2. Wear Nine faced and ten faced Rudrakshas.
3. Chant the 'Om Sham Shanishcharaya Namah' and 'Om Brihaspataye Namah'.
4. Do worship of Lord Shiva.

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