Capricorn Capricorn Yearly Career 2023 Horoscope



For the people of Capricorn, this year should prove to be a relief as compared to the previous years. The transit of Saturn in the second house from your zodiac sign will start from January 17, which although is not considered favorable, but can be considered as a relief as compared to the previous transit period. From April 2023, the transit of Jupiter will be in the fourth house from your zodiac sign. It is going to provide relief. The transit of Rahu-Ketu will remain in the fourth-tenth house till November, which is going to provide compatibility in the field of career etc. This year should be providing relief as compared to the previous year.

In terms of profession and career, this year should be favorable compared to the previous year. The problems that were going on last year, there will be some relief in them. This year is a relief from the point of view of job. Relations with high officials and colleagues will improve and the office environment will be favorable.
From the point of view of business, the year 2023 is bringing some hope. The recession that was faced in the previous years would experience some degree of reduction. This year should be better for the businessmen who are working in the service sector.

In terms of profession and career, this year should be favorable compared to the previous year. The problems that were going on last year, there will be some relief in them. This year is a relief from the point of view of job. There should be better atmosphere in the office this year. Expected cooperation will be received from colleagues. From April 2023, cooperation and guidance will also be received from higher officials. There will be opportunities to work with them and they will be impressed by your advice and actions. With the recommendation of higher officials, you can get better opportunities in the job. This year will be a year of improvement in relations with high officials and co-workers.
This year should be fruitful for professionals. There are chances of getting better opportunities for IT professionals. After April 2023, he should get good progress. Similarly, for aeronautics, engineering and medical professionals, there are chances of achievement in their career. For those who are in politics, this year can be memorable. They can get some important achievement.
From the point of view of business, the year 2023 is bringing some hope. The recession that was faced in the previous years would experience some degree of reduction. This year should be better for the businessmen who are working in the service sector.
1. Wear Ratna Shakti locket of Capricorn.
2. Wear Seven faced and eight faced Rudrakshas.
3. Chant the mantras 'Om Sham Shanishcharaya Namah' and 'Om Ram Rahave Namah'.
4. Chant Mrityunjaya Mantra 'Om Jum Sah'.

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